It’s a personal journal, a travel guide, and a memoir about Tessa’s love for Venice, Italy, and its special place in her heart–and palate. nÊVenezia, cooks awake to 105 amazing recipes and 120 four-color photoaphs focusing on the fascinating city and its famous fare. Chapters include Eating in Venice, Essential Recipes, Cicchetti (small bites), Antipasti, Zuppa/Pasta/Gnocchi, Risotto, Secondi, Contorni (sides), and Dolce (sweet things). “Venice is like when you hear a piece of music that scoops down into your soul, or notice a real tear getting ready to drop from the eye of an unlucky child. One of those rare moments when you asp the magnificence of this world. Yes, Venice is one of those places.” –Tessa Kiros