Bespoke Culinary Experiences, Learning Italian, Specialised Travel +27 82 413 7033

Il Contadino

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris.

Rustic European

100% sustainable eatery

Finally, the Mediterranean escapades of previous years is brought to life in a little corner venue in the heart of Parktown North. il Contadino, which means ‘the farmer’ in Italian, is James’ tribute to some of his favourite places, the rural or ‘peasant’ food from the Spanish, Italian and French countrysides. In particular, the Western French region “les Pays de la Loire”, where an idea emerged about a decade ago in the minds of some environmentalists.This is where what became “Paysans de Nature” – literally, “Peasants of Nature” emerged from.

The menu is limited, rustic and offers honest rural food. All products served on the menu are artisanal and locally sourced, using the best organic produce from Brightside farm and small ethical producers. Enjoy lazy lunches at il Contadino’s sunshine covered sidewalk, where dishes are served in enamel plates with dishtowels for serviettes.


Il Contadino Menu

Download our 2021 Menu
Coobs - 7th Ave & 4th Ave, Parktown North, Randburg, 2193

Chef's Concierge

Classi di cucina
Officine Italia