Learning a new language is complex. It is spoken, written, read and listened, four separate yet linked skills which are in turn related to many grammar rules, vocabulary words, pronunciation rules etc. The foundation of learning any language is to practice working on each aspect individually and as a whole.
Here are some great tips on how to increase your success in mastering the Italian language.
1. Write
Take a notebook and a pen and write each new Italian word you see. It may be old school, but the more you write, the more you remember.
2. Listen
One of the key skills in Italian language acquisition is learning the pronunciation of the spoken language, we therefore suggest downloading podcasts, listening to Italian radio or go on ‘YouTube’ where you can find many people talking in Italian.
3. Take an Italian Class
To speak Italian correctly you’ll need to know its grammar rules, so choose to take an Italian class with a mother tongue teacher that can explain grammar and give all the effective direction and assistance you need.
4. Write It, Stick It, Read It, Remember It
Place ‘post-its’ with the Italian name on objects around your home. Don’t remove them until you’ve memorized the new words.
5. Read, Read, Read
There are many online newspapers and Italian language blogs on the web. Choose some of them and try to read them each day. It will help you to dive into the Italian culture and lifestyle while learning new words and grammar structure each day.
6. Watch Italian Movies
Watch Italian films such as ‘La dolce vita’ with subtitles in English. There are many beautiful and critically acclaimed Italian films. This will facilitate you to follow the rhythm of the Italian language and understand the meaning.
7. Sing an Italian Song
Look for Italian songs on YouTube with subtitles. Singing Italian songs will help you learn new words and improve your pronunciation. You will discover some fantastic Italian artists and songs, opening a new world of music and culture.
8. Play Games
Learning Italian doesn’t have to be boring. Look for some Italian words games such as cruciverba (crosswords), enigmi (puzzles) which will help you to improve your vocabulary.
9. Spend time in Italy
Tour Italy and discover a captivating country, rich in culture, history, architecture, art, literature, design, and food, to name a few virtues.
10. Make Italian friends
Look for Italian friends on the web. There are many Italian Language Exchange communities online. Search for events and get-together that will allow you to meet Italians, chat to them and learn some Italian slang and expressions.
Credit: Luana Lerro